Our vision is an inclusive livable community with housing, transportation, social opportunities, and services that support the well-being of citizens of all ages. 

Age-Friendly Oxford

Creating a Livable Community for All

What is livable community?

A livable community is one that is safe and secure, has affordable and appropriate housing and transportation options, and offers supportive community features and services. Once in place, those resources enhance personal independence; allow residents to age in place; and foster engagement in the community's civic, economic, and social life.

AARP Livable Communities supports the efforts of neighborhoods, towns, cities and rural areas to be great places for people of all ages with a focus on the eight domains of livability developed by the World Health Organization.


Age-Friendly Oxford (AFO) was launched in November 2017 when the city of Oxford, Ohio became a member of AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities.

We believe that communities should provide safe, walk-able streets; age-friendly housing and transportation options; access to needed services; and opportunities for residents of all ages to participate in community life.


Creating Livability

Livable - domains of community living that instill quality of life for all.

Age-Friendly - meets the needs for citizens across all stages of life.

Aging-In-Place - services/supports for older adults remaining in their home and/or community for as long as they desire.