Community Assets

The greater Oxford area has many assets that contribute to its livability. It is safe, picturesque, and surrounded by a state park, farmlands, and the beauty of Miami University’s Campus. Oxford enjoys easy access to outdoor recreation, has an excellent regional hospital, a continuous care retirement campus and an active Senior Center. Miami University and its students create many opportunities for people of all ages in the Oxford area.

  • Oxford Seniors, Inc. is a 400-member multi-service senior center offering adult day care, congregate meals, home delivered meals, benefits counseling, outreach, transportation, and health screenings. It also offers social, wellness, cultural and arts events, and travel programs.

  • Miami University provides enrichment for older adults through its Institute for Learning in Retirement, tuition-free classes for retirees, and senior citizen discounts for a wide variety of events in the arts, athletics, recreation, and lecture series.

  • Scripps Gerontology Center is nationally recognized for education, research, and leadership in the field of aging.

  • The City of Oxford has recently completed safe sidewalks and walkability improvements, provides a building and space for Oxford Seniors, Inc., is building a large recreational trail system through and around the City, and has adopted policies of conservation for neighborhoods concerned with encroaching student housing. The City has recently conducted a housing affordability report, and in 2020 the City will conduct a housing study to guide a housing plan.

  • The Knolls of Oxford, a continuing care retirement community located in Oxford, is home to approximately 250 residents ages 60+ and offers independent living, assisted living, rehabilitative care, memory support, and long-term care.