Age-Friendly Home Design - May 27, 2021
To watch the presentation on YouTube, click here.
To download the slides from the presentation, click here.
Designing and Building Age-Friendly Housing - July 15, 2021
To watch the presentation on YouTube, click here.
To download the slides from the presentation, click here.
Impacts and Options: How municipalities can improve housing choices for older adults - September 23, 2021
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Impacts and Options: How Municipalities Can Improve Housing Choices for Older Adults - Thursday, September 23, 2021 - 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. via Zoom
Age-Friendly Oxford, with funding from AARP and the knowledge of national housing expert, Richard Duncan, Executive Director of the RL MACE Institute for Universal Design and the Better Living Design Institute, is holding a housing webinar for elected, appointed, hired, and volunteer city and county leaders to address: How do municipalities improve housing choices for older adults and what is the role of cities and counties in addressing this challenge? This webinar is free and is co-hosted with Oxford Seniors and Miami University's Scripps Gerontology Center. Citizens and the general public are welcome to attend. Sharing of questions and best practices will be encouraged.
Webinar Description:
Shifting age demographics across the U.S. (and here in Oxford, Ohio) have produced a growing need for homes that are more accommodating as individuals' abilities change over time. Most older adults find themselves needing new or remodeled homes in order to live as independently as possible and safely sustain the activities that bring them meaning and purpose. The housing sector, private agencies, and local governments are all increasingly called on to help create or renovate homes that are more supportive and functional for older adults. However, the demand for this housing is growing faster than these stakeholders are able to respond and information about our changing population as it applies to housing policy and design issues in the 21st Century is needed.
This webinar will address the emerging housing crisis for older adults, the impacts of inadequate housing on local services and municipal budgets, the basics of age-friendly and universal home design features, and opportunities for improved housing options for older adults.
As a result of this webinar, participants will be able to:
· Understand the nature of housing issues facing older adults
· Name three key features of an age-friendly home
· List key opportunities for municipalities as they look to the future
All those who wish to attend must register in advance. Please click here to register:
Within a few days of registering, you will receive an email confirmation containing the link for the webinar